WE CAN’T SAY JUST why mispronouncing words is so annoying, but it is.
And these ones are guaranteed to send shivers of terror down your spine, every time.
1. “Sequence”
These are sequins. This is a sequence. Sequences are a lot less fun than sequins.
2. “Troath”
You just shuddered a bit, didn’t you?
3. “Thongue”
Making an already disgusting-sounding word more disgusting. Please cease.
4. “Chicargo”
There’s no ‘r’ there. We’ve checked! Several times!
5. “Pacifically”
*pretends to have heard ‘specifically’*
6. “For all intensive purposes”
Repeat after us: “For all intents and purposes.” Thank you.
7. “Heigth”
*begins to sob*
8. “Thighland”/”Thigh green curry”
*resists the urge to blurt “It’s TAI-land, actually”*
9. “Thought”
Thought by your theacher. That’s nice.
10. “Expresso”
Don’t you have to be grateful sometimes that you aren’t working in Starbucks and hearing this every day? You do.
Are we all OK? Do we need a moment?
H/T to @HollyShortall, @nadia_dailyself and this enraging thread